Emergency Call 02-29674948


The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) 學生事務處

Dean, Office of Student Affairs : Peng, Yi-Chen Professor
Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1300/2475
Fax: +886-2-89650621
E-mail: sabrina@ntua.edu.tw

The Office of Student Affairs provides a variety of services and programs outside of the classroom to enhance the personal development of students. The office coordinates a variety of services that are each distinct and different, but nonetheless similar in their orientation toward student development, involvement, and service.

Advocates in the office are available for students who may need assistance with their personal adjustment to college, with an academic problem, or with interpretation of university policies and procedures. Advocacy and other special services also are provided for disabled, overseas students off-campus students, and female students. Educational programs and workshops in the areas of leadership, time management, stress management, and interpersonal skills are presented on an on-going basis and when requested by campus groups.


Student Counseling Center (SCC) 學生輔導中心

Chief of Student Counseling Center : Hung,Yi-Jo 

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1450
Fax: +886-2-22720056
E-mail: qqdelo@ntua.edu.tw

Student Counseling Center provides the following services:

1. Individual counsel and psychological tests; in accordance to student's problems and needs, providing one-to-one conversational counselling and tests which helps the student to understand their problems and solve them.

2. Mental hygiene promoting activities: talks and activities for gender equality, life education, interpersonal issues, etc. will be held.

3. Counsel for the handicapped: providing all kinds of aiding services for lessons, life counsel and guidance, learning partner arrangement, accessory application, etc.

4. Counsel for overseas students: settling all applications for resident certificate and re-entry issues, and organizing gatherings or cultural experiencing activities, comforting overseas students.

5.Complaints of students: tackling students’ appeal for the loss in rights and benefits due to improper arrangement for the results of study, rewards, and reprimands.

6.Service hotline: 886-2-2272-2181(ext.)1451-1457


Student Life Affair and Health Promotion Division(SLA&HPD) 生活事務與保健組

Chief of Health Promotion Division : Hsieh, Shan Yun

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1350
Fax: +886-2-29663245
E-mail: roxy@ntua.edu.tw

Student Life Affair and Health Promotion Division provides the following services:

1. Settling all kinds of grants for student study, including the reduction and exemption of the administration fees, applications for all kinds of grants and scholarships, and study loan.

2. Hygiene and health promoting activities.

3. Rewards and reprimands for student conduct.

Service Hotline: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1351-1354.


Extracurricular Activities Division (EAD) 課外活動指導組

Chief of Extracurricular Activities Division : Teng,Cheng-Wei

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1310
Fax: +886-2-89650404
E-mail: tcwvp@ntua.edu.tw

The Extracurricular Activities Division (EAD) provides the following services:

1. Organizing University Anniversary Ceremony, Graduation Ceremony, and all other important events of the campus.

2. All related issues for the Student Union and the Student Council.

3. The production and publication of the New Intake Guidance for new students to know their campus faster and better.

4.Managing e-Advertizing Board, to fast and effectively promote all students' showcase activities on all TV walls.

5. Taking charge of 31 distinctive student organizations, providing all students opportunities to learn outside the classroom.

6.Organizing artistic and cultural activities to enrich the campus life, in an unfixed manner.

The EAD is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Service Hotline: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1311,1312 or 1313.

Military Training & Life Guidance Division (MT&LGD) 軍訓與生活輔導組

Chief Military Training & Life Guidance Division : Yan,Chia-Tung

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1950
Fax: +886-2-29674948
E-mail: ctyen@ntua.edu.tw

Military Training &Life Guidance Division: The services are as follows :

1. Counsel and life guidance for student.

2. Dormitory Management.

3. Advice for students' accommodation and rental issues outside campus.

4. Education for students' safety in traffic.

5. Lost and found.

6. Service hotline 886-2-29674948.


Student Career Development Center (SCDC) 學生生涯發展中心

Chief of Student Career Development Center : Chang, Su-Chian

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1460
Fax: +886-2-29688434
E-mail: chang19771021@ntua.edu.tw

The duties of Student Career Development Center(SCDC) are mainly to gather and provide information concerning student career planning and career development, in order to prepare NTUA students and alumni in developing their professional careers. The SCDC currently comprises a staff of 5 full-time members, including center chief, coordinator, two administrative assistants and one project assistant. Our regular tasks are:

1.Planning student service-learning curriculums.

2. Arranging on-campus practical training.

3. Conducting career developing activities.

4. Organizing career fairs.

5. Conducting questionnaire surveys on NTUA alumni relating to career development.

6. Organizing forums on enterprise employment.

7. Conducting surveys on employers’ satisfaction with NTUA alumni.

Office Hour:8 a.m to 5 p.m ,Monday to Friday Contacts:+886+2+22722181 ext.1462,1463 or 1464.


Indigenous Student Resource Center (ISRC)原住民族學生資源中心

Chief of Indigenous Student Resource Center : Lin, Guo-Ting

Tel: +886-2-22722181 ext. 1301
Fax: +886-2-82751611
E-mail: guoting@ntua.edu.tw

Indigenous Student Resource Center provides the following services:

1. Establish a database system for indigenous student and Counsel indigenous’s student learning status.

2. Handling the indigenous education cultural courses and activities, promote the indigenous culture.

3. Handling the indigenous student scholarship, tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption.